Where Serendipity Meets Design

Jimmy on the front porch with B-Shoc

Jimmy on the front porch with B-Shoc

Serendipity is one of those great words in life: five beautiful syllables to say “luck,” “chance,” “fate,” “fortune,” kismet.” It makes you sound really smart when you use it. Lots of people have to go look it up after hearing it used. And I personally enjoy making people look up definitions — it’s the Language Arts Diva within me!

“Design” is its opposite. Things that happen “by design” are most definitely not serendipitous. It takes a process to make it happen. It needs a grand plan, a blueprint, or a complicated drawing. Like a house. The boys’ therapeutic work here at Cherokee Creek is a very good example of a well-designed plan. There is a “PATH” they must walk. There are processes they must go through. It is a long and sometimes arduous journey of self-discovery. They graduate with new skills, new self-concepts, and a new vision for their future.

Toward that end, this quarter in the classroom we have studied the Way of the Visionary. We have talked a lot about whether we make things happen or whether things happen to us. We studied people who made a difference in the world and discussed how to become a person who makes a difference. We talked about careers, college paths, and causes. And we talked about their personal plan.

In the same quarter, I had the good fortune (here’s the serendipity part) to meet two gentlemen with an inordinate amount of musical and technological talent. Neither is my forte, so these are indeed good people to know. One of the gentlemen, Shannon Chiles, offered to share his skills with our boys to help them voice their visions of themselves. The process went something like this:

First we came up with the “hook” to a song. One of our boys then took on the task of writing lyrics. Shannon next came to campus and taught a lesson on how to storyboard a video. The boys went to work filling 4.5 seconds with their personal stories.

Some music chords were then chosen as the backbone for the song. Shannon took these pieces to his friend, Bryan Edmonds – also known as B-Shoc– and the two mixed it all together to record it. Three trips back to the school with a camera, and there was enough footage for a music video.

It’s a wonderful thing when serendipity and design come together to create beautiful and meaningful outcome. We can’t wait to share the music video with our families next week at Family Seminar, and then with the world on our website.

Consider for a moment where serendipity and design come together in your life. Where does your plan meet up with chance or kismet? How does your vision for the future change when that occurs?

posted by jleslie in Discovering What is Real and True and have Comments (8)

8 Responses to “Where Serendipity Meets Design”

  1. Shaler says:

    I’m so excited to see the video next week! This has been such a cool project for the boys!

  2. Beth Black says:

    Fabulous, Denise!! I am so eager to see our visionaries in action. This is indeed, an experiential classroom. Thank you for being a Visionary Teacher!

  3. Elizabeth Jones says:

    Can’t wait to see the video and everyone at seminar! Thank you, Denise, for inspiring the boys with such cool projects!
    Elizabeth Jones

  4. janet pines says:

    My graduate really learned his love of guitar at CCSB and would have adored this project. I can’t wait for him to have the opportunity to see the video on your site as well. Nice idea. Best, Janet Pines

  5. Shirley says:

    All kids should be so lucky as to be able to discuss these kinds of things in school!
    Can’t wait to see the video.

  6. It is important for our design to be open to a serendipitous moment. Seize that opportunity. More often than not it will bring a true reward; a new friend, a new vision, who knows… Someone is always knocking on our “door of life” , answer it!!

  7. Denise Savidge says:

    Thank you all for your kind comments. Looking forward to seeing you at Family Seminar!

  8. Joan Sullens says:

    This was such an awesome project. Glad that the boys were able to work on this and share it with their families.