Archive for January, 2014

A “Souper” Experience

Yesterday, a few of our Cherokee Creek students took a service project trip to Dot’s Soup Kitchen in Westminster, and did an excellent job representing our school in feeding about 70-80 people.

Cherokee Creek students preparing to serve lunchWhen the people started arriving, our boys worked the crowd by handing out pinto beans and cornbread like champs.

We prepped, served, wiped down tables, chairs and high-chairs, swept, mopped, vacuumed, washed rubber mats, washed dishes and cleaned up their porch area where the people come and go.

At the end of the event, our boys did a lot of cleaning so that the adult workers could sit and eat. The crew loved them and everyone was very appreciative of all they did to help out.

Our students learned valuable lessons from veterans.

Our students learned valuable lessons from veterans.

The guys also had the opportunity to spend some time with a couple of veterans who worked at the kitchen and heard some awesome stories from their experiences. They gave the boys some very valuable advice about working hard, learning from the people who are trying to teach you while you’re young, and what it means to serve others- whether in the military or in your community.

Afterwards we talked about the experience and they had some really positive things to say. Some of the boys admitted that they had no clue about the tough lives that other people go through. They had a lot of questions about how those people might live, what they do if they have children, etc.

They are already asking if we can go back.

Kayla Tompkins, White Oak Primary Counselor

Cherokee Creek Boys School

posted by jleslie in Discovering What is Real and True and have Comments (4)