I’m a guy who likes routines; steady reliable routines. So you may imagine that I could get overwhelmed working at
Cherokee Creek Boys School which presents changes to any given routine each minute of the day.
I only need to remind myself the same thing I would remind any of our students: that change and transition are a part of life. As with anything else that is a part of life we have the choice to resist, which generally makes us miserable, or accept, which allows us to see the wonder of possibilities.
When a student first arrives and is exposed to this new environment, he often has a lot of resistance and struggles. Empowering a child with the knowledge of choice is an interesting process. It seems always to be easier to blame others for the uncomfortable situations in which we find ourselves, but there is incredible strength that comes form accepting circumstances and recognizing we have a choice in making our decisions.
Each of our students work through this process each day, and sometimes while focusing on the struggles of today, we miss the changes that are happening over time. However, I was recently reminded of how wonderful change can be. A few of our students are getting ready to graduate and are setting up their own transition room in the bunkhouse. Moving into the transition room means more responsibility for managing behavior with less supervision. This is exactly the environment they will find themselves in once they leave our school and rejoin their families.
The boys moving into the transition room were eager to help set up their new space. They were focused, responsible and pleasant. I had wonderful conversations and exchanges of ideas with these boys, and I was able to assign tasks knowing they would be done without supervision or redirection. These boys were coming to the end of their journey with Cherokee Creek Boys School, and in looking back over their time with us, the changes were remarkable. They had truly taken the opportunity for showing leadership and responsibility.
We are now in the quarter of the Warrior when we encourage the boys to “Show Up and Choose to be Present.” Our boys in this transition room have made that choice and we are delighted to send them home as the responsible, courageous and empowered Warriors they have chosen to become.