River Lessons (Part 3)

We continue the River Lessons, a series of blogs from our students’ perspectives. Students recently reflected on their Treks experiences through writing  and made connections to the Lessons of the Medicine Wheel and the 4 aspects of self they learn to explore while enrolled at Cherokee Creek: the Warrior, Visionary, Healer and Teacher.

Student: Scott
Aspect: Healer
Statement: I am Joyful

“I think on Healer I’ve been more joyful because I can always have fun on Trek even if it does not go as planned. Another reason why I think I have been more joyful is because when I’m not on Trek I can just let things go and I can almost always be more joyful.”

Scott makes the ultimate “go with the flow” statement, doesn’t he? This statement is a great Healer-Teacher combination of joyful participation and flexibility – the perfect river lessons.

Are you inclined to “go with the flow” and find the fun in most situations? What are the fun activities in your life that allow you to be open to outcome?

 Lessons of the Medicine Wheel

Cherokee Creek Boys School is a therapeutic boarding school for middle-school boys, ages 11-15, located in Upstate South Carolina.

posted by jleslie in Discovering What is Real and True,River Lessons and have Comment (1)

River Lessons (Part 2)

This week we continue the River Lessons, a series of blogs from our students’ perspectives. Students recently reflected on their Treks experiences through writing and made connections to the Lessons of the Medicine Wheel and the 4 aspects of self they learn to explore while enrolled at Cherokee Creek: the Warrior, Visionary, Healer and Teacher.

Student: Ben
Aspect: Visionary
Statement: I am Creative

“I am creative. I was able to make a “think-fast” decision when I missed the course on the rapid. The creativity flung me over a rock avoiding the hydraulic sideways and landing me at the bottom. This has also helped me gain confidence.”

Ben details well the creativity involved with problem solving as he adapted to his circumstances. He reminds us that we can always make a different choice.

What circumstances bring forth your creative best? When facing a situation where you need to “think-fast,” how do you respond?

*A hydraulic is a river feature where the water flows over a smooth ledge and then rolls back towards the ledge. In smaller rapids they become fun spots to play by keeping your boat on the wave – or “surfing”. In larger rapids their “sticky” nature makes them a hazard best to be avoided.

Lessons of the Medicine Wheel

Cherokee Creek Boys School is a therapeutic boarding school for middle-school boys located in Upstate South Carolina.

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Pontoon Classroom

Seine Findings

The boys check their haul in the seine net

Lab Work

Selecting samples for further examination

Last week’s great academic adventure – Pontoon Classroom! Teachers Butch Clay, Nick Linscott and James Holcomb took 25 students and examined the watershed health and quality of Lake Keowee. They collected insects and invertebrates and returned to their make-shift lab at High Falls County Park to make identifications and draw conclusions. Our current students were able to compare their findings to those of their predecessors – other CCBS students and alumni from the past two years of Pontoon Classroom participation.

Creek Collection

Collecting critters in Fall Creek

Other scientific experiences included collecteing fish samples with a seine net as well as their fishing poles. Water clarity was determined by direct observation – swimming! All of the boats were captained by local community members  who volunteer their pontoon boats and time to ferry students of this Clemson University Extension program.

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