Discovering What is Real and True…

David LePere

David LePere

We are excited to announce the launch of “Discovering what is real and true…” a blog featuring stories that have heart and meaning to help navigate the adventurous waters of raising children. It is a blog by and for parents who recognize that they, too, are on a continuing journey of self-discovery.

Blog host, David LePere, is the Executive Director of Cherokee Creek Boys School, a therapeutic middle school for boys in Westminster, SC. Drawing on his experiences as a parent and a career professional working with children and personal life lessons, David will share stories of truth, love, courage and wisdom that are relevant, insightful and inspiring. Many of these stories emerge from the wisdom of the students and families at Cherokee Creek.

As author and leader Margaret Wheatley says in her book: Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore Hope to the Future, “All change, even very large and powerful change, begins when a few people start talking with one another about something they care about. Simple conversations are powerful means to start influencing and changing the world.”

We hope this blog will begin a conversation about the things we care about…and that we can start changing the world through these conversations.

This is a tall order…so let the journey begin.

Many thanks to artist Ann Boyer LePere for the creation of our beautiful masthead. Ann is a gifted portrait and landscape artist specializing in oils and pastels. She is also the mother of Executive Director, David LePere. Her image reflects the mission of Cherokee Creek Boys School to, “Challenge boys and their families to discover what is real and true about themselves and the world around them.” The photo below shows Ann putting the finishing touches on this piece.

Banner Artwork by Ann LePere

Banner Artwork by Ann LePere

Please be watching for our first “official” blog in the near future. You may subscribe now and have it automatically sent to your email. Please share this invitation with friends and family who might be interested in reading our semi-monthly blog.
posted by jleslie in Discovering What is Real and True and have Comments (8)

8 Responses to “Discovering What is Real and True…”

  1. Elsie Weil says:

    Great painting. Wow! We’d like to greet you Happy Thanksgiving. Elsie and Daniel Weil
    Daniel created a soccer team that plays on sundays. They are doing very well.

  2. Nate Orlowski says:

    Hi! i know that not a lot of people will know me besides Nick Linscott, AJ Ownes, Talina Carver, or Betsy Deane, but I attended CCBS back in 2004 when i was only 14. And also when there were only 8 to 10 ten kids there! It’s nice to see CCBS becoming more interactive! I loved it there. I am now a member of the Idaho Army National Guard. I am a cavlary scout meaning I a am both a Humvee driver/gunner and a secondary scout sniper. I write for two differnent newspapers, The Sentinel, and the Coeur d’Alene Press. Over the summer i was a sports writer for the Raleigh Downtowner and News and Observer. I am 348 pages deep in a book, and I am currently attending a two year college, North Idaho College, but recently got accepted into both Gonzaga University and University of North Carolina at Wilmington. I miss my time at CCBS and i cannot say i would go back as a student, but i would go back as a mentor to all kids saying that it really is possible to succeed. Many kids that were there with me have struggled, but some of us learned from our time there and used it. i do not know any of the new staff, but i am guessing they have probably heard of me. haha. i was not the most well behaved kid there by any means. Ask Nick or AJ. Nobody thought i would succeed, not even my parents but it is possible. I hope someone responds to this that knew me. And again, it is good to see CCBS becoming more interactive. 🙂

  3. Hi, Nate! I am the Program Director at CCBS. And even though we’ve never met, I feel like I know you from Betsy, AJ, Nick, Talina and Kerry! I’m glad about your successes! Have you decided which college you want to go to? If you go to UNC Wilmington, you’ll have to come here for a visit. Keep up the good work, Nate! We’re proud of you!

  4. Hi, Elsie & Daniel, and Happy Thanksgiving to you both!
    Glad to hear that you are still using those “pro” soccer skills, Daniel! Stay in touch!

  5. Jane Barker, LISW says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. I so proud to read the successes of Daniel and Nate.
    Thanksgiving is a time to show gratitude.
    Thank you CCBS Students and Families for the courage you show, the wisdom you gain, and Healing you experience as a part of the Cherokee Creek Family.

  6. Christy Todd says:

    David, Your Mom’s painting in wonderful. I love that it looks like real water. I am also looking forward to the blog. Nate, I am a therapist at CCBS and loved hearing your life story since leaving CCBS. Thanks for sharing! I hope to hear from many other former students.

  7. Susan Billingsley says:

    My most sincere thanks to the CCBS staff for the great November Family Trek and Seminar, for your hard work and planning, and for your commitment to the families of your boys. Though we always thought we were going to Italy, we have begun accepting that we are in indeed in Holland, and we are grateful for your guidance on our journey. I thank you and I thank God FOR you. Thanksgiving blessings to you all.

  8. Nate Orlowski says:

    Thank you everyone who responded. When i was there, i believe Kathy was director. Maybe not. im not sure. I think i remember Kerry. She was night staff, along with Clarence. I live in North Carolina. So it is possible i can drive down there sometime. I am coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but i dont think i will have time. :/ I recently got into contact with Albert, who was the among the first to be in the program, and i was with him for a good few months before he left. I am proud of my decision to join the U.S. miltary, but i am not very enthusiastic about where i am going next October. I have been put on alert that the 116th Support Battalion (my unit) is deloying to Afganistan. I do not want to go, but if i do, i will return safely, i know it. I am sure that the staff now have heard about my stupid temer tandrums, and all around stupidity while i was there. haha! not anymore. I lok forward to someday meeting the new staff when i make my way down there 🙂